by Patty Shewmaker | Apr 15, 2020 | General Court Martial, Military Discharge, Military Justice, Military Separation Hearing, OTH Administrative Discharge, Special Court Martial
We get clients that call and ask us about the different types of discharges you can receive in the military. Discharges can involve a separation board or a court martial. You can only get a dishonorable discharge at a court martial because it is a legal proceeding....
by Patty Shewmaker | Apr 7, 2020 | Uncategorized
On Friday, April 3rd, Governor Kemp clarified his stay at home ordered issued on April 2nd to exclude custody exchanges. Governor Kemp’s clarifying order specifically states that “no provision of Executive Order shall limit, infringe, suspend,...
by Patty Shewmaker | Apr 7, 2020 | Uncategorized
Chief Justice Melton of the Georgia Supreme Court extended the judicial emergency until May 13th. Courts are still advised to proceed as possible within the current public health guidelines. The Courts of each County are establishing their own rules on what and how...
by Patty Shewmaker | Mar 30, 2020 | Covid-19 Updates
See below for the Northern District of Georgia’s Order extending the judicial emergency to May 15, 2020. I would expect other Courts to follow suit soon. The Northern District of Georgia has also issued an Order allowing video teleconferencing and telephone...
by Patty Shewmaker | Mar 25, 2020 | Criminal Law, Divorce, Family Law, General Information, Judge and Jury Selection
Should I ask for a jury trial in a legal proceeding? There are a number of factors to consider and there is typically a great deal at stake. Steve and Patty Shewmaker of the Shewmaker & Shewmaker Law Firm go into details about making the right choice when faced...